•Two years of work experience at the Pratt Corporation, one of the largest screen printing companies in the nation. Began as a film "stripper" but currently work as a designer, laying out large banners and posters and creating point of purchase displays and signage.
• A working knowledge of the fundamentals of good design, including color theory, use of positive/negative space, and shape/form as it relates to visual appeal. • Knowlege of many aspects of photography including the use of a four color process camera, large scale developing equipment, and the creation of object movies and VR panoramas. • Experienced webmaster with extensive knowledge of HTML including use of Javascript, animated GIFS, and CGI scripts. Successfully created and maintained a personal website for over a year. • Technical knowledge of AppleTalk networking and all aspects of Macintosh computers including troubleshooting and repair. Also experienced with the use of NT boxes as servers and dedicated printer drivers.